Other Projects

Here you can find other projects I’ve worked on that don’t quite fit elsewhere.

Convention Panels

I also write and host panels at Seattle’s Sakura Con anime convention, and at Helena’s Ookiisora Convention. The panel group which I am a part of is called “Zapp’s Spaceship of Love”, and we have been writing and performing shows since 2009. The panels draw in a crowd of between 400-1000 audience members.

I have helped conceive 5 different panels, and have written the scripts for each one. I also perform on stage, usually acting as a character from popular fiction. Occasionally, I will also film pre-recorded videos for the panels, which I also write the scripts for.

To view recordings of our performances, please go to our youtube channel.


In addition to game design, I like to express my creativity via photography, both film and digital. You can follow my work at my Instagram:
